Message from Principal 

Education, “From Womb to Tomb –  Aristotle

In an everchanging 21st Century, it is extremely clear that human development need the bedrock of education. We at Blossom International School provide a high quality holistic education which is a National priority.We ensure perfect complementarity between Excellent academics, Innovation, Shaping personality in developing values as National pride.

Our pedegogy incorporates an ever – changing pace, creating a friendly experiential, immersive and a collaborative learning environment built on a foundation of ethical moorings. This empowers our valued students to maximize their potential in critical thinking, problem solving, and enquiry based learning and to maximise their potential to contribute in transforming our society and making our  country India proud.


Dr. S.Annamary


We’re Hiring

We are looking for passionate, engaging, and creative teachers to join our team! If you are interested in teaching at our school, please check out the open roles

school hours

M-F: 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM


No. 36, 1st Main Road, White City Layout, Segehalli, Virgo Nagar Post, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560049

Blossom International School

Affiliated with CBSE, Delhi.
Affiliation Code No. 831301
School Code No. 46934